Ubuntu – How to install PHP-FPM 5.4 on 12.04


I would like to install PHP 5.4 with FPM on a 12.04 virtual machine. The popular PPA solution for installing PHP 5.4 doesn't seem to include the php5-fpm package.

What's the best way to install this version?

Best Answer

If your system is 32 bit (old computers):

Go to this thread and select the latest version. Then download the file there is on the Downloadable files section

If your system is 64 bit (the most common by now):

Go to this thread and select the latest version. Then download the file there is on the Downloadable files section

Installing PHP from terminal:

Enter the following command:

sudo apt-get install php5-fpm

Compile your self:

In this web page you will found the download link with the packages.

Then you have to compile and install.

More information about the LAMP installation on Ubuntu 12.04

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