Ubuntu – How to install pgAdmin III for postgreSQL 9.2


I have a Windows server that runs postgresql 9.2. I want to hit it using pgAdmin III from my Ubuntu 12.10 workstation box.

I installed pgAdmin III from synaptic and also tried direct download from postgreSQL site using software installer. Regardless, I can get only get pgAdmin III for postgresql 9.1. When I run pgAdmin III and point to my server I get an error message telling me that the database is 9.2 and my pgAdmin III is for 9.1, isn't compatible with 9.2.

I can access the server itself fine OK from the Ubuntu box – I have Python programs that hit the database with no problems – but I need pgAdmin III for 9.2 running under Ubuntu 12.10.

Is it available? Where do I get it?

Best Answer

As of 2014, this website describes the way to do it for Ubuntu and Debian: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Apt

Copy paste (2014-06-06) in case website goes offline, whatever happens:

PostgreSQL packages for Debian and Ubuntu

The PostgreSQL Global Development Group (PGDG) maintains an APT repository of PostgreSQL packages for Debian and Ubuntu located at http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/. We aim at building PostgreSQL server packages as well as extensions and modules packages on several Debian/Ubuntu releases for all PostgreSQL versions supported. Currently, we support Debian 6.0 (squeeze), 7.0 (wheezy), and unstable (sid) 64/32 bit (amd64/i386) Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid), 12.04 (precise), 13.10 (saucy), 14.04 (trusty) 64/32 bit (amd64/i386) PostgreSQL 8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 beta Server extensions such as Slony-I, various PL languages, and datatypes Applications like pgadmin3, pgbouncer, and pgpool-II Packages for older PostgreSQL versions and older Debian/Ubuntu distributions will continue to stay in the repository; updates for those will be provided on an ad-hoc basis.


Create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list. The distributions are called codename-pgdg. In the example, replace wheezy with the actual distribution you are using:

deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ wheezy-pgdg main

(You may determine the codename of your distribution by running lsb_release -c.) Import the repository key from https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc, update the package lists, and start installing packages:

wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3 pgadmin3

Alternately, this shell script will do the above steps for you. 9.4 beta only: See FAQ on beta releases Have a look at the FAQ. Note: This repository provides "postgresql", "postgresql-contrib", and "postgresql-client" meta-packages that depend on the latest postgresql-x.y, ... packages, similar to the ones present in Debian and Ubuntu. Once a new PostgreSQL version is released, these meta-packages will be updated to depend on the new version. If you want to stay with a particular PostgreSQL version, you should install specific packages like "postgresql-9.3" instead of "postgresql".