Ubuntu – How to install Perl Switch.pm module required to build WebKit-GTK


I noticed that the perl version (5.14) shipped with 12.10 does not include the Switch.pm module needed while building WebKiT-GTK.

Looking around on the internet I found few suggestions indicating that I should install something call p5-switch from ports. I have looked around and was not able to get this done. I am not a perl guy and have no idea where i can get this package.

Can someone please help me as to

  1. Where to download the package for ubuntu 12.10
  2. In case it is not a .deb, How do i install it.

Best Answer

If you want to install the Switch.pm Perl module into your system Perl config, there are two methods of installing it:

  1. Install it through the Ubuntu repositories.

  2. Install the .pm through CPAN.

At this time, both will provide the current version of this module(2.16).

Installing Switch.pm using the Ubuntu repositories:

  • From the command-line, the installation can be completed by running the following command from the terminal (Ctrl-Alt-t):

    sudo apt-get install libswitch-perl

    • Within Synaptic, right-click on the libswitch-perl package, select Mark for installation, then click on the Apply button.

    • Within the Ubuntu Software Center (USC), search for the phrase libswitch-perl, highlight the package and select install:

Installing Switch.pm using CPAN: If you would prefer to install this via cpan, follow these instructions:

  1. Open a terminal(Ctrl-Alt-t).

  2. Enter the command cpan.

  3. At the prompt cpan[1]>, type install Switch.

  4. Once completed, Type exit.

The Switch.pm Perl module will now be available for you to use in your scripts.

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