Ubuntu – How to install Lubuntu Desktop Environment and ONLY the desktop environment


I have a slower computer that I would like to use the Lubuntu desktop environment with. However, I do not want to install any of the software that is not related to the desktop environment. I am talking about programs like Abiword and Lubuntu Software Center. How do install the desktop environment and the desktop environment ONLY?

Also, if someone could point me in the right direction for research, when I use multiple desktop environments, I notice that certain elements of one desktop environment (e.g. scrollbars, color schemes, program themes) are present no matter which desktop environment I log into. Is there a fix for this?

Best Answer

You can also use

sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-desktop 

Which will install the Lubuntu desktop without all the recommended applications, though things that rely on these applications will not work.

I think a better way to do it would be to install all of lubuntu-desktop with:

sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop  

and then use the Lubuntu Software Center to remove applications you aren't going to use. You can then remove lubuntu-software-center with:

sudo apt-get remove lubuntu-software-center

The only difference between this approach and Ringtail's is installing lxde will give you the generic LXDE desktop, while installing lubuntu-desktop will give you more of an Ubuntu specific LXDE, with custom wallpapers for example.

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