Ubuntu – How to install libxml2-dev (32-bit) package on a 64-bit Ubuntu (11.10)


I want to run an binary for a 32-bit application which is dynaically linked to the libxml2 on a 64-bit Ubuntu (11.10). I have found and installed 32-bit libraries for most of the other libraries used, however I cannot find a package to install all 32-bit version of libxml2-dev.
What packages do I have to install in order to make it run?

starting the application will lead to the following error libxml2.so.2: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

I succeeded to install a 32 bit version of zlib in /ust/lib32 but I cannot find a 32 bit version of libxml2.

The synaptic package manager list a libxml2-dev:i386 package. However since this eants to uninstall almost all installed packages I assume that this is for a pure 64 bit Linix

Any help?

Best Answer

I came across another way of having lib32 version of libxml2.so installed on 64-bit Ubuntu (12.04) - installing Adobe Reader. It's one of popular applications that most of people would need, so it will make you feel a bit more comfortable than obtaining libxml2 by doing something else.

sudo apt-add-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install acroread

(Cribbed from http://www.techheadz.co.uk/222.html)

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