Ubuntu – How to install indicator-weather in Ubuntu 14.10


I want to install indicator-weather in ubuntu 14.10, since to me is the best aproach to a weather applet, but it's not on repositories and even if you add the ppa, there is no utopic version.

  1. How do I install it?
  2. What similar alternatives exist if I can't install it?

Best Answer

I was also a big fan of indicator-weather that I replaced by my-weather-indicator since no new versions are available as of 14.04.

my-weather-indicator is also a small indicator (as indicator-weather was):

enter image description here

You can install my-weather-indicator from the following ppa:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install my-weather-indicator python3-requests
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