Ubuntu – How to install Eclipse J2EE IDE from a tarball


I have downloaded Eclipse 3.6.1 as a tar.gz file from eclipse site. Then I extract using
cmd: tar -zxvf eclipse-jee-helios-SR1-linux-gtk.tar.gz

after execute this cmd I got eclipse folder in this there is eclipse file. When I double click on this eclipse file I'm getting following error:

Could not display "/media/D-DEVELOPME/eclipse/eclipse".

There is no application installed for executable files

is there any solution for it?

Best Answer

As Marcos Roriz and Thomas Ward said in the comments

That happens because eclipse writes a lot of temp and plugin files and /usr/local is recommended to not allow apps to write (that is only read and execute there)

You may have better luck just saving Eclipse down onto your user directory - it does still operate from the user directory, even though you may want to place it in /usr/ or elsewhere. This is what I do to use it :/

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