Ubuntu 14.04 – How to Install Digikam

14.04digikamphoto-managementsoftware installation

It seems that Digikam was removed from Ubuntu 14.04. Why was that?

Considering that Digikam is the only photo organizer which works with geo-tagged photos, what would be the best way to install Digikam in Ubuntu 14.04?

Note that trying to install or search for Digikam turns up nothing:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo aptitude search digikam

Also, clicking the .deb from UbuntuUpdates opens the Ubuntu Software Center which states that the dependencies for Digikam cannot be satisfied.

Best Answer

digiKam 4.0 is out! if you'd like, install or upgrade it from PPA (14.04 only):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:msylwester/digikam

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install digikam

PPA: https://launchpad.net/~msylwester/+archive/digikam

via: this quick tip

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