Ubuntu – How to install default 20.04 bgrt plymouth


I have installed ubuntu 20.04 from canonical iso. I install kubuntu-desktop from scratch after removing gnome-shell. Now I wanna revert back with the default Gnome DE. I have been successful pretty much, except with the plymouth.

The best thing about 20.04 LTS is the BGRT, the spinning wheel and the ubuntu integrated with manufacturer logo. I had removed bgrt.plymouth. I tried to install other like ubuntu-logo or ubuntu-gnome-logo but I actually want BGRT to be restored without reformatting the system.

Would anyone mind to help me out?

Best Answer

Do this...

If you did remove/purge plymouth-theme-spinner then, as @norbert suggests:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall plymouth-theme-spinner

If you didn't remove/purge plymouth-theme-spinner then just do:

sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth

sudo update-initramfs -c -k $(uname -r)

Then select the bgrt option.

Reboot. Be happy!

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