How to Install Bitcoin on Ubuntu – Complete Guide

bitcoinsoftware installation

Can anyone walk me through the process of installing Bitcoin on Ubuntu? I'm new to linux, and this is really all I want to do with this computer.

Best Answer


Launchpad has a Personal Package Archives (PPA) for bitcoin.

You can add this PPA to your system's software sources: ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin After that you can search ubuntu software center for bitcoin or from terminal sudo apt-get install bitcoin

By the way: bitcoin is only available for maverick and lucid so after adding the PPA change the distribution to maverick.

And a screenshot to finish it off:



To change from 'natty' to 'maverick' for a PPA you can do this from the Ubuntu software center: usc

Click the bitcoin PPA and choose edit. Next it changing 'Natty' to 'Maverick': usc2

Reload the sources (it will prompt for it) and you should be able to install maverick's version of 'bitcoin'.