Display Manager – How to Install an Alternative Display Manager


I want to replace gdm with another display manager. I did aptitude install slim (tried also xdm) and got a possibility to configure which display manager should be used. But after the reboot the display manager didn't got started. The Ubuntu-logo with the points simulating a progress goes on and on. If I press ESC, I can see, that slim (or xdm) was started, but I cannot see any login-screen. How can I use these alternative display managers?

Best Answer

sudo aptitude install slim

SLiM saves the themes on /usr/share/slim/themes and the configuration file on /etc/slim.conf which is the one that will do all the work.

  • background.jpg: Here goes the Image.

  • panel.png:It ´s the login box.

  • slim.theme: Configuration file.

We only need to modify these files and then create a new folder inside /usr/share/slim/themes and put our own files.

sudo mkdir usr/share/slim/themes/name_of_the_folder

Now we´ve got to tell SLiM where to look for the files, we must edit /etc/slim.conf. And look for the line that says:

current_theme default

and replace it with your own folder.