Ubuntu – How to improve color saturation in Ubuntu


My laptop, a Thinkpad T430 with Intel HD4000 graphics, shows pretty desaturated colors by default. On Windows I can just increase saturation using the Intel Graphics and Media Control Panel to get extremely lively colors. Is there any tweak/application that I can use to get similar results in Ubuntu?

Best Answer

this can be made with xrandr, first identify you video output running "xrandr" and look into the output sor something like this:

DVI-I-1 connected 1600x900+1600+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

in my case, my output is DVI-I-1, now i run "xrandr --props" to know what properties can i change.

scaling mode: None 
    supported: None, Full, Center, Full aspect
color vibrance: 180 
    range: (0, 200)
vibrant hue: 90 
    range: (0, 180)
non-desktop: 0 
    range: (0, 1)
link-status: Good 
    supported: Good, Bad

to change the saturation, in my case (Old GeForce GT 520), i run the following:

xrandr --output DVI-I-1 --set "color vibrance" "180"

Hope this works for all you guys. (same response: how-to-adjust-screen-settings-contrast-color-saturation-etc)

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