Ubuntu – How to help improve Banshee


I have had some problems running Banshee. It crashes quite often after finishing playing a song. It also jumps all over the place when playing back albums – sometimes it plays the first song twice – other times it jumps from the first song to the fourth.

How can I help pinpoint the cause of these problems? What would I need to do to be able to at least provide crash report information? I would love to help make the application better in whatever way I can.

Best Answer

In case of crashes you have to set Banshee up to create a debug log. Short version from the link:

killall banshee

cd ~; banshee --debug 2>&1 | tee banshee-debug-log.txt

Reproduce your problem and exit banshee and attach the resulting banshee-debug-log.txt to your bug report.

There is also a faq on performance issues I wonder why there is a faq about this? Isn't this admitting it is not so good?)

And finally Banshee also uses bugzilla.

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