Ubuntu – How to have Rhythmbox download album art for tracks


I can't seem to find an inbuilt way to have Rhythmbox fetch album art for tracks — stock plugins also don't help. Is there any external package that could do that, or am I maybe missing something?

Best Answer

AlbumArtSearch is a third party plug in for Rhythmbox that will search for and download the cover art for the currently playing track. Unfortunately, it doesn't run in the background automatically, though the fact that you can refine searches makes sure you get the covers that you are actually looking for.

First install the two dependencies:

sudo apt-get install python-webkit python-mako

Next download the plugin. You can get it at the link above or run:

wget http://albumartsearch.googlecode.com/files/albumartsearch_0.2.tar.gz

Finally you need to extract it in the folder ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins This can be done with Nautilus or by running these commands:

mkdir -p  ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins
tar -xvf albumartsearch_0.2.tar.gz -C ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins

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