Ubuntu – How to grab Unity scrollbars from the side of the screen


I can grab normal scroll bars by moving my pointer far to the right. I'm usually able to do this without looking because the pointer stops at the edge, and the scrollbar is on the edge. I'm familiar with this to the point that I'm usually not aware of the act of scrolling.

In Unity, the visual indicator is on the edge, but the control is not. (This is presumably to prevent the control from covering up the indicator.) This means that I must now turn my head and look at where my pointer is so that I can properly grab the control.

Short of removing overlay scrollbars, is there a way to fix this?

"No, there is currently no way to fix this [because…]" is an acceptable answer.

Best Answer

This will be available in the next Ubuntu release (11.10), and is not available in 11.04 (unless backported). Unfortunately some things end up getting "shipped" before they are polished :/.