Ubuntu – How to get your network ip


I am on a network with PPPoE connection for internet acces.I want to find out my network ipv4.

-on Windows 7 I can see both my PPPoE's connection ip and local network ip, either from properties of the connection, either from cmd with ipconfig command

-on ubuntu I can only see the PPPoE's ip

I cam across this problem after trying to lookup another ubuntu pc on the network.

How can I check my Local area connection(Windows terms) ip and/or how to see the other ubuntu pc from my network?

If I connect to my DSL account I can see my ip(ipv4 and 6) from my DSL connection but not my eth0 ip.

If I connect to my Wired connection I can see my ip from my eth0 connection but after that I cannot connect to the internet.

I cannot have both?

Best Answer

In the top panel of Unity go to the Network Icon (Network Manager) and select Connection Information

enter image description here

You will see all the information including the IP (IPv4 and IPv6) of any device connected. In this case it is only showing one device since I have only one connected, but if I had multiple ones it would show each one on a different tab:

enter image description here

For the terminal way you can do like Mitch mentions. Open a terminal and type ifconfig which will show you several network devices like the following:

enter image description here

In your case, instead of seeing wlan0 like in my image, you will see something like ppp0. If you want to see specific information about your PPP connection then do something like this: ifconfig ppp0.

Looking at your images we have the following:

enter image description here

This image shows the IP you are receiving from Internet (From outside of your LAN network). In this case it is the

enter image description here

This image shows the IP you are receiving from LAN (From inside of your LAN network). In this case it is the and the Router or Server IP that is assigning you that IP is

Now looking at both images I see you are using eth0 for both cases. If this is the same computer then I recommend connecting ppp0 to another network card and eth0 to the LAN if you want to have both types of connection. You can only have one type of connection per network device.

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