Ubuntu – How to get the MacBook Pro isight camera working on 18.04

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I have referenced the thread at: MacBook Pro camera not working on Ubuntu 18.04

It lists the following steps:

cd /etc/local/src
git clone https://github.com/patjak/bcwc_pcie.git
cd bcwc_pcie/firmware
sudo make
sudo make install
cd ..
sudo make
sudo install
sudo depmod
sudo modprobe -r bdc_pci
sudo modprobe facetimehd

I had the camera working, but forgot what I did. After an update, the camera stopped working.

I just followed the above steps except for the sudo install didn't work, so I did sudo make install.

I am now getting the following error when I try to sudo modprobe facetimehd:

wayne@MacBookUbuntu:~/Downloads/bcwc_pcie$ sudo modprobe facetimehd
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'facetimehd': Exec format error

Also is there a way to make the change permanent once fixed?

Best Answer

For anyone who runs into this in the future, you need to run a make clean on both the facetime firmware and bdc_pci. So...

cd facetimehd-firmware/
make clean
sudo make install

cd ../bcwc_pcie/
make clean
sudo make install

sudo depmod
sudo modprobe -r bdc_pci
sudo modprobe facetimehd
sudo vim /etc/modules

then make sure that facetimehd is still written into your modules file.

Hope this helps!