Ubuntu – How to get rid of the Ubuntu Dock


screenshot with Ask Ubuntu open in Firefox, dock on left

The big dock on the left. In other versions you could escape Unity Launcher by going to GNOME, what now? GNOME tweaks is not showing it as an extension, even though it looks a lot like Dash to Dock.

Tweaks/Extensions dialog

I see autohide options in settings, but no way to completely remove it and use the GNOME default.

Edit: I'm not looking for vanilla GNOME, but simply to hide the dock.

Best Answer

Run the following:

cd /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
sudo mv ubuntu-dock@ubuntu.com{,.bak}

Press ALT + F2 and type r in the input.

In case if you need to undo:

cd /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
sudo mv ubuntu-dock@ubuntu.com{.bak,}