How to Install Pygame for Python3 on Ubuntu 11.10


There is a package (python-pygame) for Python2 available from the universe repository. However, I want to work through the tutorial in the Invent with Python book. Going through SPM (Synaptic), I cannot find a pygame resource for Python3.

Also, I looked on the Pygame website and it is not clear if Pygame is available for Python3 (though the book indicates that it is).

Can someone help me with my dilemma?

Best Answer

From Pygame wiki:

Does Pygame work with Python 3?

Yes. Pygame 1.9.2 supports Python 3.2 and up. Only the orphaned _movie module (not built by default) does not.

However, there seems no pre-packaged Pygame packages for Python 3 in Ubuntu repositories, at least as of 14.04.

I would suggest you to get the source packages from the pygame website and install it locally into a virtualenv or buildout. Globally installing python modules in evil anyway :) Here are the instructions:

Alternatively you can try this PPA: