Ubuntu – How to get Nvidia drivers to work with mainline PPA kernels


I installed the 2.6.36 kernel from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.36-maverick/ because it's the first version to supports my soundcard (this works) but now I can't get my Geforce 310M to work. I used the 256.53 Version which works with 2.6.35 but that won't install because of mismatching gcc versions with the kernel (yes i selected ignore but it won't install). the newer 260 Version installs but i only get a black screen.

Best Answer

This looks like a bug with how the Ubuntu Kernel Team is building the mainline kernels. They appear to be building on a Hardy (8.04) system (with gcc 4.2.3-2ubuntu7). In the meantime, you could try building the Nvidia drivers within a Hardy chroot. Tthough somewhat overkill for this case, you could set up the chroot and build it there.