Ubuntu – How to get IMDb info in Nautilus properties


I want to see IMDb information about movie files on my Nautilus properties screen, using Nautilus scripts or actions.

It's a really complex thing to do, I understand that, but the article Extending Nautilus Context Menus using Nautilus Actions, Scripts and Python Extensions explains how to do it.

It just needs to be updated for 2017 (the article was written in 2010). The Google code link that article gave is abandoned.

I'm not too strict on implementation, but if I could right-click on a movie file and see IMDb information that'd be good.


Best Answer

So for starters in Ubuntu 18.04 it works this way:

  1. Install package python-nautilus
  2. Get Test Extension from here and save as TestExtension.py
  3. Copy TestExtension.py to /usr/share/nautilus-python/extensions (with sudo)
  4. Change to that directory and adapt permissions: sudo chmod u+x TestExtension.py
  5. Restart Nautilus: killall nautilus
  6. Klick with the right mouse button on some file and you will see Showing <Filename> in the context menu.

  7. Adapt this imdb script to your environment.

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