Ubuntu – How to get GNOME Shell Calendar to sync with Google Calendar with Thunderbird installed


On GNOME Shell, I want to use the Calendar and have it synced with my Google Calendar account, but I have Thunderbird on my computer. I have seen a couple of posts making Thunderbird default through the means of the terminal, but those changes did not effect the calendar on the desktop panel. I have used Evolution in the past, and i never really liked it, but will conform to it if necessary for the ease of having Google Calendar sync.

Best Answer

You could try: https://github.com/vintitres/gnome-shell-google-calendar

Few steps are enough:

  1. Setup dependencies:

    sudo apt-get install python-gtk2 python-dbus python-gdata python-iso8601 python-gnomekeyring

  2. Download it from: https://github.com/vintitres/gnome-shell-google-calendar/zipball/master

  3. Extract it in any folder you like.

  4. Run gnome-shell-google-calendar.py:


  5. You should beforehand have a online account set up with Google (see: What are online accounts and how do they work?). You should get prompted with this text:

    A list of existing accounts is below. If you do not see a list of accounts, then you first need to add one. For more information, see http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/accounts.html

    0. yourname@gmail.com Please choose the Account:

  6. Enter the number of your account and the program will start to syncronize.

  7. If you don't want to run it manually everytime, you should add gnome-shell-google-calendar.py to startup applications (see this answer: How do I manage applications on startup in GNOME 3? , insert in the field "command" the path of gnome-shell-google-calendar.py ).


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