Ubuntu – How to get a program I run in Wine to lock to the launcher


I installed Evernote with Wine on Ubuntu 14.04, and it works great. I'd love to have the icon stay on the Launcher for speedy access, but when I right-click and select that option, all I get is the Wine icon that does nothing when I click on it later. How can I get an Evernote icon?

Best Answer

You can start apps with wine through the comand wine start /Unix "/absolute/path/to/file.exe" or wine start 'C:\absolute\path\to\file.exe'. And you can create program links even in dash to find by creating a new *.desktop in the /usr/share/applictions folder.

So, do that and write into that file:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=wine start '[PATH]'

If you can't find the icon, possibly it is packed into one of the *.exe files, search it (e.g. this http://findicons.com/files/icons/2653/android_icons_2/600/evernote.png), save it in PNG format (make sure you cut away white corners, this simply looks more right) and use it's location as icon path.

This should do it, displaying the icon and showing up in dash search so you should be able to keep it in the starter when you run it. Comment if somethings not working, maybe we have to wrap path or command into quotation marks.

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