Ubuntu – How to format read only pendrive


My Pendrive is of read only format

No delete file option is enabled

I tried GParted the format to option is disabled

Kindly give me some effective command line to format my pendrive

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

There are 2 possible options:

  1. The pendrive has a physical lock; mosttimes it is a slider to prevent accidental deleting. We would need to know brand/make/model of that pendrive to be able to tell you if it has one (edit it into your question). Example with a random pendrive (see the "lock" on the side):

enter image description here

  1. You need to mount the pendrive writable. How is the pendrive mounted? If it is automatic when inserting option 1 is probably true. If you manually mount it please provide the mount command; probably it has a "ro" option where you need a "rw".
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