Ubuntu – How to flash Meizu MX4 ubuntu edition with another channel


I tried to flash my just received Meizu MX4 Ubuntu edition to the rc-proposed channel by using

ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/meizu.en

but I got the unable to enter into recovery error.

Anyone to provide the recovery.img as for the BQ Phone?

Best Answer

Connect your phone to Ubuntu desktop

sudo apt-get install phablet-tools

Unlock phone (you need also developer mode on)


Inside shell

sudo system-image-cli --switch ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/meizu.en

After automatic download and reboot you will have the new channel. Be warned this channel is not for normal usage.

Update (2017-10): As Canonical dropped development, one may consider switching to more recent build channel from UBports. Command example below. Run it on Ubuntu host where you have connected your Ubuntu phone.

ubuntu-device-flash --server=http://system-image.ubports.com touch --channel=15.04/rc
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