Ubuntu – How to fix ‘no wubildr’ error in WUBI on Windows 7?

64-bitwindows 7wubi

Good Evening All,

I just got my HP Laptop Back from the factory and then I tried to install Ubuntu.

It got through the whole installation, however, when I restarted and chose Ubuntu a quick screen flashes that says:

Try (hd0,0) NTFS5: no wubildr
Try (hd0,1) NTFS5:

Then it quickly goes to the Boot Loader which I am presented with:

Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)
Windows Vista (loader) (on /dev/sda2)
Windows Vista (loader) (on /dev/sda3)

Of course if I click Win 7 it'll go to the main screen to choose between Win 7 or Ubuntu, if I choose Vista, it'll come with an error of sorts.

The strange thing is, I looked in my C:/ Drive and I see wubildr and wubilder.mbr

Idk if it makes a difference but I am running a 64-bit processor. Installed the 64-bit desktop version and am presented with ultra-fail.

I've gone to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=4d54a8d3760f6fe805156524b7ab9acf&t=798283&page=1

But have had no luck.

Best Answer

I never found a real fix for it when I ran Wubi on my laptop. For me, it came down to finding the version of Wubi/Ubuntu that worked. For example, 10.04 (64-bit) refused to install properly, but 9.10 worked like a trooper (until kernel panicked a few days later, but that's a different story).

"No wubildr" turned out to not be a problem in 9.10 -- I just had to wait a couple minutes and then the loading finished fine.

Strangely, I have no issues running Wubi on my new desktop -- the "no wubildr" error doesn't show up at all.