Ubuntu – How to fix huge FS Icons in Ubuntu 15.04 menubars


The FS Icons in Ubuntu 15.04 appear huge in the menubars of some applications like Nautilus, Gedit, Calculator, etc. How can the FS icon sizes be corrected to work in Ubuntu 15.04?

Here is what the icons look like in Nautilus. This makes the operating system difficult to use when FS Icons are installed and used.

Huge FS Icons in Nautilus Ubuntu 15.04

Here is an example of the icons in Gedit.

Large FS Icons in Gedit Ubuntu 15.04

Best Answer

Apparently, scalable icons are used in the menubars for Ubuntu 15.04. The FS Icon set specifies a minimum value for the scalable icons as 257 pixels. The solution is to set the minimum value appropriately, so the icons can be scaled down to the required size.

sudo sed -i "s|MinSize=|MinSize=8\n#MinSize=|g" /usr/share/icons/fs-icons-ubuntu*/index.theme

In the above command, change /usr/share/icons to the location where you have installed your FS Icon set.

Additionally, in order to fix the icon sizes in Gedit, follow the steps outlined in the following question, since the fix still applies to Ubuntu 15.04.

How to use 22 pixel size icons for toolbars in Ubuntu 14.04

Note that fs-icons-ubuntu-mono-dark were used in these screen shots, but this solution will fix all of the icons included in the FS Icons set.

Here is what Nautilus looks like after applying the fix.

Corrected FS Icons in Nautilus Ubuntu 15.04

Here is what Gedit looks like after applying the fix.

Corrected FS Icons in Gedit Ubuntu 15.04