Ubuntu – How to Fix Grub Error 15 on New Dual Boot Install


I just installed 12.04 to Dual Boot (separate partitions) with an existing Win 7.
Upon reboot after install things freeze after Grub 1.5 with a Grub Error 15 message.

Is there any easy way to fix this? (I am posting this from my second computer)

UPDATE: I managed to boot into both 12.04 and Win7 using BIOS:

  • Selected the disk with the Win7 'C' Partition: resulted in the same error message
  • Rebooted, tried the disk with the Ubuntu Partitions:
    *Grub Menu loaded:
  • Managed to boot 12.04, rebooted, used BIOS again:
  • Managed to boot Win 7

So, I have access to my computer again (thru BIOS), but this has been a pretty crappy install experience.


I used the the Final release 12.04 Ubuntu install disk, reformatted all Linux partitions, and expected a simple clean install.
Other than specifying the Ubuntu Partitions, I did a basic install of 12.04.
No way I did do anything to get this crap error failure!
I have no idea why my install resulted in a Grub-15 error.

Best Answer

OP posted:

I burned a RescuTux Disk and used it to recover grub2 (simplest and easiest way for me. http://www.supergrubdisk.org/category/download/rescatuxdownloads/

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