Ubuntu – How to find out where Lubuntu applications are after installation? (Grive specifically)

grivelubuntusoftware installation

I'm very, very new to Linux / Lubuntu

I have successfully installed several programs and found them in obvious locations. That said, I'm trying to install Grive, and since I'm using Lubuntu, I don't have the Ubuntu search feature to find Grive Setup that the installation instructions refer to. I cannot seem to locate the appropriate setup file to move forward. I'd love some help with this specific issue and also general comments on how to identify where installed programs go.

Best Answer

To install Grive do this in a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thefanclub/grive-tools
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install grive

After that, go to the folder you want to sync (for example):

mkdir ~/Documents/GoogleDrive
cd ~/Documents/GoogleDrive

Run Grive and authenticate:

grive -a

It will open a web browser page and after you accept you'll see a code. Right click and copy. Then right click in terminal and select Paste

Now, everytime you want to sync files do in a terminal:

cd ~/Documents/GoogleDrive

To find out where apps get installed, this may help File location on Ubuntu 14.04