How to Check if Your System is Using Mir


I've just installed Mir and I'm wondering if I'm actually running it or if it fell back to X. How can I tell if Mir is running?

Best Answer

You can also simply check if the system compositor process is running:

 ps afx | grep unity-system-compositor

On my system running Mir it returns something like this:

jorge@jillociraptor:~$ ps afx | grep unity-system-compositor
 4260 pts/0    S+     0:00          |   |               \_ grep --color=auto unity-system-compositor
 1606 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/unity-system-compositor --from-dm-fd 9 --to-dm-fd 13 --vt 7

Machines NOT running Mir will not show unity-system-compositor running.


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