Ubuntu – How to find `.desktop` file location for a particular application


EDIT: This is not a duplicate as this question is the reverse of what the other question is asking. Here we know what is the application and we want to find its .desktop file that can be located in non standard places also. While the other question is about where the .desktop files can be placed.

I want to open images from an FTP server in the default image viewer rather than in the browser, so I wanted to know the path of default image viewer desktop file in Ubuntu. I tried the following:

cd -- /usr/share/applications

$ find . -name '*.desktop' | grep image

$ find . -name '*.desktop' | grep view

But I still couldn't find it. Are there any other locations where the desktop files are stored?

Best Answer

A much faster and more universal search is with locate command:

$ locate *image*desktop

locate can search millions of files in a few seconds where it would take find many many minutes:

$ time find / -name '*image*.desktop'
real    0m52.563s
user    0m6.271s
sys     0m9.002s

$ time locate *image*desktop
real    0m0.705s
user    0m0.693s
sys     0m0.012s

Notice how grep was eliminated from original method and find command was ammended.

The disadvantage of locate is the database is updated daily. If you just installed the application you are searching for today, you will first need to run:

sudo updatedb