Ubuntu – How to find architecture of the PC and Ubuntu


When running uname -a, I get as output

41-Ubuntu SMP Mon Aug 13 17:59:54 UTC 2012 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

Can someone please explain to me why both i386 & i686 ?

What exactly is my PC architecture and what version of Ubuntu am I using (32bit or 64bit)?

Best Answer

The command is uname -m.

Open a terminal try using uname -m command. This should show you the OS architecture.

If it gives any output like ix86, where x is 3,4,5 or 6, Your OS is 32bit.

You can also see the Ubuntu architecture by Opening "System monitor" and going in the System tab.

enter image description here

Difference between hardware platform and Processor type:

There is a difference between the hardware platform (which is given by -i switch) to the CPU type (given by -p switch).

The hardware platform tells us which architecture the kernel is built for (may be optimized though for later versions). It can be a i386.

However the Processor type refers to the actual processor type of your machine such as i686 (P4 and later builds).

Thanks to Schotty of this this page. Here is an answer from Unix stackexchange site on the same topic, though I didn't find the language enough clear (completely my fault).

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