Ubuntu – How to extend the partition on an ubuntu server


I'm running ubuntu (Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS) under hyper-v and I've extended the hard drive (in hyper-v), but I now need to update ubuntu to use this space.

My current partitions looks as follows:

Current Partitions

A lot of the guides I've seen recommend deleting the second partition using fdisk and recreating it, but this appears to delete the sda5 partition and I'm thinking this is probably a very bad idea!




After Deletion

I'm at a bit of a loss as most searches suggest using a GUI tool which I don't have the luxury of!

I promise I have searched and searched


After following the great answer below and using parted I now have FDisk showing

enter image description here

However I still don't have the space available
enter image description here

sudo pvs
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/sda5 dar-docker-01-vg lvm2 a– 126.52g 52.00m

I'm guessing I need to do something again. I've tried using resize2fs but it's likely I'm not using it correctly!

enter image description here

[EDIT 2]

I needed to use

'pvresize /dev/sda5'

then use 'lvdisplay' to get the LV path

Then use 'lvextend -L+150G /dev/dar-docker-01-vg/root'

Finally 'resize2fs -p /dev/dar-docker-01-vg/root'

And after all that df -h shows the full space as available! YAY

Best Answer

I think the easiest way for you is to :

  1. Resize the extended partition /dev/sda2 so that it takes all the space left after it ( end of partition at the end of the disk).
  2. Resize the partition /dev/sda5 inside /dev/sda2 so that it ends at the end of /dev/sda2

To resize a partition without a GUI, I recommend you parted :

Go on a tty, launch parted. You'll get a parted prompt, use print to display the current state of your disk.

Then to resize a partition: use resizepart You'll be ask the number of the partition you want to resize ( to resize /dev/sda2 enter 2 ,and then the end of the partition ( its new size ). For you the new size should be 'space on /dev/sda2 + free space size' .

You can find how to resize a partition using parted :here

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