How to Extend ext4 Partition with GParted


I am having short in disk space in my ubuntu /dev/sda6 and i have 11.08 GB of free space unallocated in the sense.I have followed different article about the repartition but they are not working here when i try to move/resize sda6 the there will not be any free space to extend but it reduce if we try.
Notice:-I know it's mounted for posting the queries i have to take screenshot so the mount option is there, i have used gparted by liveusb…

enter image description here

I think so /dev/sda4 blocked other access.Please help me here about resizing the sda6.
I have also followed method of given link below:

Why I'm seeing a lock besides the partition I'm trying to modify with gparted?

but still not working

Best Answer

  • You have to move the 11 GB unallocated space which was on the top to below or above the /dev/sda6 ext4 partition.For this follow the below steps,

  • First you have to boot from gparted live disk or Ubuntu live disk.And make sure that all the partitions are unmounted.

  • Rightclick on the /dev/sda2 partition and select Resize/Move option.Move the dragger to extreme left and then click on Apply,so that the unallocated space comes just below to the /dev/sda2 partition.

  • Do the above step again on /dev/sda3 partition to get the unallocated space just below to the /dev/sda3 partition.Now your unallocated space will be just below to the /dev/sda3 partition.

  • Now right-click on the /dev/sda4 extended partition and select Resize/Move option.Click and expand the left arrow to get the unallocated space into the extended partition.

  • Now your 11 GB comes inside extended partition(just below to the /dev/sda9 partition.

  • Right-click on the /dev/sda9 partition and select Resize/Move.Click and move the dragger to the extreme right,so that the unallocated space comes just above to the /dev/sda9 partition.

  • Do the same above step on /dev/sda8 and /dev/sda7.After that,11 GB unallocated space will comes under /dev/sda6 root partition.

  • Now you can be able to resize your Ubuntu /dev/sda6 partition.

And make sure that you had backed up all the important datas before proceeding with gparted.

Also see this answer for any clarifications.

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