Ubuntu – How to enable visual effects (compiz) without disabling Unity


How can I install compiz fusion (or whatever it is called) to have visual effects like windows burning to ash on minimize , rotating (3d cube) workspaces etc ?

I was using compiz (ccsm) in 10.10, but it does not work in 12.04.

I tried a lot of things, which mostly involved removing the sidebar (Unity ?) but it caused even more problems.

It would be great if someone posts a "stable" way to have both Unity (sidebar) and visual effects.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. : It does not have to be compiz, if there are other alternatives which work well in 12.04

Best Answer

Compiz should work by default, you may just need to install a few extra packages:

sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins* compizconfig-settings-manager

The you can search for 'compiz' in dash, then you can open 'CompizConfig Settings Manager', and use it to change the settings to what you like CCSM

see also this question.

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