Ubuntu – How to enable ufw firewall to allow icmp response


I have a series of Ubuntu 10.04 servers and each one has ufw firewall enabled. I have allowed port 22 (for SSH) and 80 (if it's a webserver). My question is that I am trying to enable icmp echo response (ping reply).

ICMP functions differently than other protocols–I know it is below the IP level in a technical sense. You can just type sudo ufw allow 22, but you cannot type sudo ufw allow icmp

Best Answer

ufw does not allow specifying icmp rules via the command line interface command. It does allow you to adjust your ruleset via its rules files, which are iptables-restore style files.

ufw does allow certain icmp traffic by default including icmp echo reply, and this is already configured by default in /etc/ufw/before.rules:

-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT

If your host is not responding to ping, look in this file to make sure the above line is present and if that doesn't work, look at the pinging host and any firewalls between them.

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