Ubuntu – How to enable the blender console


I have installed Blender 2.65a from its official site but am unable to activate the console for python. I'm unable to run in terminal since it is not installed from Ubuntu Software Center because it is five versions lagging in the repo.

However, I tried to drag the executable blender file to the terminal, Blender opened but without the console.

Best Answer

First things first, the Blender Console on Linux is a bit different than you might expect.

Unlike on Windows, Blender's console output is placed on the command line, if run from a terminal. Also, Blender on all versions contains a built in console.
enter image description here

You can choose either a Python console or a regular console (bash), though some builds do not have this (for example the one I'm using does not).

Secondly, you can get Blender from a PPA. The builds are from svn and are built usually every week. The PPA also contains Blender 2.4x for backwards compatibility.

For 2.6x:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:irie/blender
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install blender

For 2.4:

sudo apt-get install blender 2.4
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