Ubuntu – How to enable onboard in lightdm-gtk-greeter


Unity-greeter crashes, and constantly respawns, not letting me in. So, I configured auto login but that won't start anything except Unity session. I changed the lightdm.conf file to run Xubuntu but Unity still shows up. If I create a new user, it will start in Xubuntu just fine. I deleted my .conf XFCE prefs and that fixed nothing.

I can at least get in to the gtk login greeter but then the onboard keyboard does not show up. If I could get the onboard keyboard in the gtk greeter, I would be super happy. The onboard keyboard shows up in the Unity greeter just fine. But not the gtk greeter.

I don't have a solid keyboard because it is a tablet. So, I need the onboard in the greeter.

Best Answer

  1. Open "dconf Editor" program.
  2. From tree in left panel open com/canonical/unity-greater
  3. Chek onscreen-keyboard ckeckbox from right panel.

Have a nice time.