Ubuntu – How to enable GNOME system tools


I am running Ubuntu 10.04 with GNOME 2.30.2. This is a VMWare workstation image provided by another company that I do not have support in this regard. I am trying to access the graphical tools for configuring the network, users, and services but the System->Administration menu does not have these options listed.

The main issue I am trying to solve is to correct the problems with the GNOME menu options and network settings.

I have the gnome-system-tools package installed, and I am unable to run command-line versions of the tools, such as nm-applet (I get no GUI if I run that command, the process is running in the background).

I realize that I can perform many tasks command-line, but I would like to use the GUI for administrative functions as I am not overly proficient for all command for restarting services and setting a static IP with a specific gateway.

Further, I can run gnome-nettool, but I cannot change the IP, I can only see my network card. nm-connection-editor does not show any network cards that I can configure to change the IP.

Currently, I am getting a DHCP through my NAT in VMWare, I want to set it to a specific IP address though.

Preferences Menu (note some missing options)

Preferences Menu

Administration Menu (note some missing options)

Admin Menu

Network Tools (I can view but not change IP address)

Network Tools

Network Settings (Unable to change IP address)

Network Settings

Network Connections (no connections listed, not even my existing ethernet NAT connection through VMWare)

Network Connections

Best Answer

I hope I got you right on what you are trying to do.

Network Connections is in Preferences but you can also start is from the terminal using nm-connection_editor.

Users and Groups is in Administration you can start this one from the terminal too using users-admin.

To manage applications which should start automatically on a system start you use the Startup Applications Preferences application which is in Preferences again.