Ubuntu – How to enable Compiz for Gnome3


After installing Gnome 3 the Compiz plugins are not working on the gnome-shell.

Is there a way to enable the Compiz on Gnome3 shell??

Best Answer

GNOME Shell uses its own compoziting window manager called Mutter. According to Owen Taylor's mail it is not possible to use an alternative window manager.

To try and make GNOME Shell integrate with multiple window managers would either greatly constrain the user interface vision or greatly increase the amount of work involved. The power of the GNOME shell approach is that we are working within the desktop scene graph of the window manager/compositor.

Using Compiz to create a GNOME desktop using GNOME applications, the GNOME control-center, and so forth will of course remain possible. We have no current plans to create hard dependencies on GNOME Shell within the GNOME desktop (just as there are no hard dependencies on gnome-panel now.)
