Ubuntu – How to embed evince in firefox 4


I installed mozplugger and created the file mozpluggerrc with the following content according to this post but when I open a .pdf it opens in a separate evince window.

is there a way I can truly embed it in Firefox like the chrome pdf reader?

application/pdf: pdf: PDF file
application/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
text/pdf: pdf: PDF file
text/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
application/x-postscript: ps: PostScript file
application/postscript: ps: PostScript file
application/x-dvi: dvi: DVI file
    : evince $file

Best Answer

Evince is a GTK+ PDF and PS viewer to replace gpdf/xpdf/acroread and ggv, and it's open source. Using mozplugger you can embed all sorts of stuff into Mozilla and/or Firefox like media players and openoffice.

First make sure you have Evince and mozplugger installed.

Now open up~/.mozilla/mozpluggerrc in your favorite text editor. Here's how to do it with gedit Press Alt + Ctrl + T and paste

gedit ~/.mozilla/mozpluggerrc

Wherever you see this:

application/pdf: pdf: PDF file
application/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
text/pdf: pdf: PDF file
text/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file


application/x-postscript: ps: PostScript file
application/postscript: ps: PostScript file

add this on the next line:

repeat noisy swallow(evince) fill: evince "$file"

Close Firefox and Thats it!

HERE mine :

application/pdf: pdf: PDF file
application/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
text/pdf: pdf: PDF file
text/x-pdf: pdf: PDF file
application/x-postscript: ps: PostScript file
application/postscript: ps: PostScript file
    repeat noisy swallow(evince) fill: evince "$file"

# Also load the default configuration

Note : this plug-ins embed MPlayer Totem OpenOffice ... Too

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