Ubuntu – How to elevate privileges to root in bash and return back


How to elevate privileges to root in bash? And then how to return back to exactly the previous state? My question is both about elevating/decreasing privileges and possible troubles with some apps, especially GUI apps (and an “environment”).

Say, some apps keep a separate profile for each user and root. GUI & profiles may be not the only problem with an “environment” if I run an app as root, regardless of whether this is their or OS’s bug or a feature.

Say, I need to run a script as root or already run a script as root (like in rc.local), so you might need to decrease the privileges or "completely" switch back to the normal user from there (su normaluser does not always work). To run initially a script with sudo -H and then to switch to another user? This does not always work as needed especially with GUI apps. I believe the trouble is with an "environment", and DISPLAY=:0 ... or DISPLAY=:0 gtk-launch ... (gtk-launch is likely bugged) may be yet not helpful.

Say, I have gedit with an opened document. If I run as just a normal user gedit /doc2, it opens with menu visible and in the already existing window in another tab. If I run it as root, it opens up in a separate window and without visible menu. If I run a script through sudo -H or su and try to run gedit /doc2 there as that normal user (again with sudo (-H) or su), then it works as if I did that as root, not that normal user. I tried also sudo options -l, -s, -i. With other GUI apps that caused far more serious troubles. Some GUI apps have different GUI or don’t run at all as a result.
Sometimes runuser was helpful for me but not always. And heredoc format (sudo -H /bin/bash <<EOF <lines with commands> EOF) does not work as expected.

It is how many troubles this makes. For more than 1 year I could not find a good universal solution. So is there anything for elevation of privileges and returning back? Or other good workarounds?

And a full example just in case (run as sudo ./script.sh or with -H):

cd /somedir
some_commands # using the current directory, root privileges and setting some variables, and writing to somefile (better as normal user)
sudo -u normaluser /bin/bash -c 'gedit --encoding someencoding /somefile'`

If I run the following bash script as just ./script.sh

gedit --encoding someencoding /somefile

then gedit works as it should.

Just in case: it is about Ubunu 16.04 xenial, bash version 4.3.48.


I know I could run commands like

sudo sh -c ‘command1 $somevariable; command2’

or (I've found out it can be several lines)

sudo sh -c ‘command1 $somevariable command2’

or maybe something similar with bash. That might not be an option for a large set of commands and does not solve all the problems. And I absolutely don’t need to enter commands interactively. See also my answer.

P.S. I think Linux should user-friendly and easy to use.

Best Answer

To elevate privileges for few commands in script use sudo with heredoc syntax:

sudo /bin/bash <<EOF
    cd /somedir
    commandasroot1 "$possiblevariable"
nonrootcommand (and not in /somedir)

Testing cd: (working dir changed inside heredoc, but restores as it be before at end of heredoc)

leonid@DevSSD:~$ sudo bash <<EOF
> cd /tmp
> pwd
[sudo] password for leonid: 

One more example, shows how variables substitution work in heredoc:

leonid@DevSSD:~$ sudo bash <<EOF
    cd /tmp
    echo $PWD; echo \$PWD
[sudo] password for leonid: 

Update: example how you can get output into variable

leonid@DevSSD:~$ variable=$(sudo bash <<EOF
    cd /tmp
    echo $PWD; echo \$PWD
[sudo] password for leonid: 
leonid@DevSSD:~$ echo $variable
/home/leonid /tmp