Ubuntu – How to easily use the gcc compiler for arm for building in a development IDE


I would like to replace the non-open lpcxpresso IDE with a free IDE. Any pointers how to do it best? How can I point one of the existing IDEs to use the arm gcc compiler?

Best Answer

I'm by no means an expert on the subject, but hopefully I can point you in the right direction. As far as IDEs go, there is a GNU ARM plugin for the Eclipse IDE. It is a Manged Build Extension that supports a number of GNU ARM Toolchains like CodeSourcery G++ Lite, GNUARM, WinARM, Yagarto, devkitPro.

Outside of an IDE, you could consider running a QEMU ARM image. A discussion on how to setup a QEMU ARM image and to build ARM packages with it can be found here:


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