Keyboard – How to Disable the On-Screen Keyboard in the Unlock Screen?


Somehow, I activated the on-screen keyboard (Onboard) in the unlock screen and I can't deactivate it now. I've restarted the computer, but it's still there in the unlock screen.

How can I deactivate the on-screen keyboard in the unlock screen?

Best Answer

GUI method

Search for Onboard settings from the gnome-shell overview.

Under General tab and Desktop integration heading, uncheck the option Show Onboard when unlocking the screen.

enter image description here

Command-line method

Thanks to fossfreedom's answer to a similar question

Run the following command in a terminal:

gsettings set apps.onboard xembed-onboard false

If the above is not working, try this one:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver embedded-keyboard-enabled false

worked for me (Ubuntu 12.04).

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