Ubuntu – How to determine what packages I had installed before a new install



  • want to move from 32-bit to 64-bit environment (taking advantage of >4GB RAM)
  • bought new HDD and installed new OS
  • mounted old HDD as a secondary device


  • How can I determine all package I had installed (irrespective of platform – I'll install proper platform on the new install)?

Best Answer

A method to automate the new installation and have it install anything you had on your old system would be:

dpkg --get-selections > installed-software

Back that file up and after installation do...

dpkg --get-selections < installed-software

If needed you can edit the text file and remove, alter the name of, or include packages.


cat /var/log/apt/history.log

shows a list of what you did using apt-get.

apt-mark showmanual

will list packagas that where installed manually.