Ubuntu – How to create Windows XP LiveUSB using Ubuntu to replace it

12.04live-usbuninstallwindows xp

I am using an Acer Aspire One netbook with no CD-disk drive, and would like to uninstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and install Windows XP in its place. The problem here is that I can't seem to find a program that can put the windows boot files on a USB drive from an ISO file. I have Ubuntu fully installed and have tried using unetbootin. When I tried booting from unetbootin I got a screen with a blue box that had the word "default" in it highlighted. underneath the box there was a countdown that said "will boot from default in 10" after the countdown finished the number would revert to ten and nothing would happen. Can someone tell me another program that would be useful for this please?

Best Answer

Create a bootable Windows XP USB drive:

Download "ms-sys"

Install it.

Partition your USB drive to NTFS.

Now copy the files from your Windows XP ISO to the USB drive

Copy the Windows XP mbr to the USB drive

ms-sys -m /dev/sdX

Replace sdX with the number of your usb hard drive (for example: sda5).

After that, backup your data, then format your drive to NTFS from your Live USB.

You can now install Windows XP through the USB.

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