Screencast – How to Create Animated GIF Images of a Screencast


I've seen animated GIF images of screen casts (like the one below) promoted a few times on this site as a way to improve answers.

Animated GIF image

What toolchain is being used to create these? Is there a program that does this automagically, or are people taking screencasts, converting them into a series of static frames, and then creating the GIF images?

Best Answer


Is a new application that lets you easily record GIF's from your screen.

peek screencast demo

Anyway, keep in mind that GIF's have a very limited color palette so it's not a very good idea to use them.

Since Ubuntu 18.10 you can install Peek directly.

sudo apt install peek

For older versions of Ubuntu, you can install the latest versions of Peek from its PPA.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:peek-developers/stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install peek

Find more information in the GitHub repo.

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