Ubuntu – How to create a quicklist for Ubuntu Tweak


I want to create a quicklist for Ubuntu Tweak on my Unity launcher, but I'm having trouble getting started. Can anyone help?

Best Answer

The newest versions of Ubuntu Tweak now have a couple of command line parameters which you could exploit to create a quicklist.

By default - ubuntu-tweak has already a quicklist for various features:

enter image description here

running ubuntu-tweak -h:

Usage: ubuntu-tweak [options]

Ubuntu Tweak is a tool for Ubuntu that makes it easy to configure your system
and desktop settings.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Generate more debugging information.  [default: False]
  -m MODULE, --module=MODULE
                        Start module directly.  [default: ]
  -f FEATURE, --feature=FEATURE
                        Start feature directly.  [default: ]
  • Features -
    ubuntu-tweak -f [feature-name]
  • Modules -
    ubuntu-tweak -m "[ClassName"]

This is useful if you have any plugins installed.

Thus you can copy /usr/share/applications/ubuntutweak.desktop to ~/.local/share/applications and add any plugins that you may have installed to add to the default quicklist.

See the Linked Question for an example of how to create a quicklist by passing parameters such as a plugin module name to the ubuntu-tweak executable.

Linked Question:

  1. How do I make a quicklist for umplayer?