Ubuntu – How to create a music CD from mp3 files


Are there any Nero Burning Softwares for Ubuntu ? The most important is to able burn Mp3 or songs files into the CD/DVD =)

Best Answer

Brasero Install Brasero

alt text

It comes default with Ubuntu. Simple interface, but powerful features.

Some of them:

Data CD/DVD:

  • supports edition of discs contents (remove/move/rename files inside directories)
  • can burn data CD/DVD on the fly
  • automatic filtering for unwanted files (hidden files, broken/recursive symlinks, files not conforming to joliet standard, ...)
  • supports multisession
  • supports joliet extension
  • can write the image to the hard drive
  • can check disc file integrity

Audio CD:

  • write CD-TEXT information (automatically found thanks to gstreamer)
  • supports the edition of CD-TEXT information
  • can burn audio CD on the fly
  • can use all audio files handled by Gstreamer local installation (ogg, flac, mp3, ...)
  • can search for audio files inside dropped folders
  • full edition of silences between tracks

CD/DVD copy:

  • can copy a CD/DVD to the hard drive
  • can copy CD and DVD on the fly
  • supports single-session data DVD
  • supports any kind of CD

If it's not already in your system, you can install it easily via Software Center, or, via command line with sudo apt-get install brasero.

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