Ubuntu to Xubuntu – How to Convert


I've been having enough problems with Unity that I've actually installed Xubuntu fresh on my laptops.

Unfortunately, my main desktop was upgraded over the net from Ubuntu 10.04 to 11.04 and, even though I've gotten gnome-panel up and running (and disabled as much as possible of the Unity shortcuts), I still prefer the Xubuntu desktop.

Is there a way to switch from Ubuntu to Xubuntu (or Unity to XFCE) without having to go through all the backup/install/restore stuff?

Can we simply download a package of some sort that will install XFCE as the window manager?

Is this even a sane thing to consider or should I bite the bullet and re-install totally?

Best Answer

It all depends on how you want your system If you just want bare xfce as your desktop and run all the applications you have been running. You can just do

apt-get install --no-install-recommends xubuntu-desktop

and remove those unity and gnome related desktop packages using synaptic and choose xubuntu session from gdm during login. Adding to what jpfluery pointed out the given script tends to replace applications such as libreoffice, evolution, totem, empathy, banshee, gedit with some lighter alternatves i.e abiword,gnumeric, thunderbird,parole,pidgin,gmusicbrowser,mousepad etc which are recommended packages of xubuntu. With xubuntu what you will get is

  • xfce alternative to gnome,unity
  • thunar alternative to nautilus[although they both can co-exist]
  • xfwm alternative to compiz[although compiz can be run with xfce] and metacity

If you need xubuntu-artworks, plymouth theme and even gdm theme you can install them as well.